I have been overhauling my life. I like to call it “recalculating.” You know when you are driving and you miss a turn, the GPS says, “recalculating;” yeah, that’s my life.
One of the challenges for me has been separating who I am from my job title.
The idea of “right livelihood” is the intersection between your beliefs and passions and your work. For years, I worked as a school building leader, which allowed me to make a living with something I am passionate about. As my personal life went through so many changes, I found that my needs and beliefs around work shifted too, which ultimately led me to make the decision to leave my position.
I have been able to do some amazing things since leaving my education position. I have taken the Elephant Academy online writing course, I have completed a Real Estate licensing course (I am taking the licensing exam this week!), I have published a significant amount of writing, and now I am going to be a TA for the Fall session of Elephant Academy. So, I know that the risk is making a huge difference in helping me to align all of the parts of my life. But, there is a huge but. Paying the mortgage.
Finding a job is so much more difficult than I thought it would be! I have a really strong skill set, I am willing to learn, I have demonstrated levels of success, but I am not willing to relocate and I do not have a doctorate.
So, I am living on the belief that I will find my right fit and I will end up exactly where I am supposed to be. That just doesn’t go over really well when you are meeting new people or engaged in social conversation. Most people make a face like ,”oh, right” when I say I am in transition; like they think I might be crazy or something.
My mantra during this is “I am where I am meant to be and I will find my next.”
I just need the right job prospect to believe it, too!