On writing.

Everyone wants to have some kind of legacy: to leave some kind of impact or feel that we have mattered in some way. I don’t feel very confident that anything that I have done or will do will leave that kind of legacy.

Writing to get un-stuck.

black text on gray background

A month ago, a writer friend issued a challenge to try and write something outside our comfort zone. She said, “If you usually write poetry, try to write fiction. If you usually write fiction, try to write memoir. Whatever your usual genre is, try and write something different.”

It seemed like a good way to get myself out of feeling pretty stuck in my writing, so I accepted her challenge.

Creativity or productivity?

I dream of a creative life; of a studio in the backyard where I can spend hours in all of my creative pursuits. The reality is that living a creative life does not compensate well in our capitalistic society and so creativity lives in the small spaces around and in between the more mundane, but necessary, day to day adventures in vacuuming.